Upcoming Vision Forum events:
- September 13, 2024: Zygote at Dansplats skog, Skog, Sweden.
- September 15-21, 2024: Transformation III in residence at La Generale i Paris.
- September 18 -29, 2024: Zygote workshop at Teatermaskinen in Riddarhyttan, Sweden.
- September 21-28, 2024: Alpha Xiao in residence at La Generale.
- September 27, 2024: Alpha Xiao at Chair de poule, Paris.
- September 30 – October 7, 2024: Do Trees Dream of CO2? in residency in Tunisia
- October 9, 2024: (TBC) Zygote at Etnografiska in Stockholm.
- October 21, 2024: Release event and exhibition of Cartels at La Galerie de la Moulinette, Paris
- October, 2024: Ghetto Gucci II in residence in Guadaloupe.
- October, 2024: Conditioned by Dreams and Transformation III public events in Paris.
- November 2024: Governing Bodies book release in Stockholm.
- November 2024: Transformation III in Stockholm
- November 2024: Zygote exhibition at AllArtNow in Stockholm
- December, 2024 – February: Ghetto Gucci II in residence in Mexico.
- January, 2025: Biofeedback in Sound record release in Stockholm
- March 2025: Art and Hypnotherapy workshop in Cairo.
- March 2025: Art and Hypnotherapy exhibition in Cairo.
- April 29, 2025: Perplexities in Ghent.
- June 2024: Transformation IV in Cairo.
- June 2025: Art and Hypnotherapy workshop at AllArtNow in Stockholm.
- June 2025: New Vision Forum art and bee project in Brandenburg, Germany
- November 2025: Palaeofaeces events at Hallwylska museet in Stockholm
- November 2025: Transformation V in China and Japan.
- November 2025: Relieve Malaise workshops and performances in Stockholm, Ubatuba and Sao Paulo
Projects/events/workshops postponed or cancelled due to the 2020-23 Covid-19 events.
- May 8-10, 2020: Untitled Biofeedback Project, Nordic performances in the public space in Stockholm. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- May 27-31, 2020: A Breath of Life, workshop and public events in Ukraine based on work by Clarice Lispector. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- June 4-9, 2020: Workshop and public events in Beirut. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- June, 2020: Performance tour in Morocco. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- June, 2020: A Breath of Life, workshop and public events in Sweden based on work by Clarice Lispector. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- August, 2020: Workshop and public events with Lebanese and Swedish artists in Sweden. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- September 14-18, 2020: Vision Forum in residency at Bristol Robotics Lab. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- September, 2020: Performances with Moroccan and Swedish artists in Sweden. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- September, 2020: Vision Forum public events in Stockholm in collaboration with Bristol Robotics Lab. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- September, 2020: “Sleep with Me” experimental nocturnal performance in Stockholm and Norrköping. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- October, 2020: 1+1=3 on tour in China, Japan and Korea. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- November and December, 2020: Baroque Architecture and Submission on tour in Sweden and Europe. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- December 2020: Untitled Biofeedback Project, Nordic workshops and performances in Stockholm. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- December, 2020: Baroque Architecture and Submission workshop and public performance in Zürich. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- December, 2020: Governing Bodies workshop, demonstrations and performances in Östersund. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- January 2021: Untitled Biofeedback Project, Nordic workshops and performances in Oslo. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- January 2021: Swarm Robotics in Performance workshop and public presentation in Stockholm. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- February 2021: Virtual Architecture on tour in Sweden, Switzerland and France. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- February – March 2021: Worlds Music on tour in Sweden, Finland, Austria and France. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- April 2021: 1+1=3 presents a new performance at F4 Libre i Cuarnevaca and Dia D in Mexico City. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- April 2021: Stutter – Music and Speech Pathology workshops and performances in Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- April 27- May 1, 2021: An Infinite Love in Stockholm. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- May: V8skan at Kuntsis Art Museum, Wasa, Finland. (Cancelled.)
- May 20-27: 1+1=3 recording session and public performance in Cairo. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- July 2021: Gothic Walks in Berlin and Malmö. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- August 2021: Ghetto Gucci on tour in Sweden. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- 8-12 November 2021: 1+1=3/EEGsynth workshop in London. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- December 1-6, 2021: Swarm Robotics and Performance in Bristol and Stockholm. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- December 13-17, 2021: Environmental and art project events with Tiokasin Ghosthorse in Gothenburg. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- December 13-16, 2021: Untitled Biofeedback Project, Nordic workshops and performances in Oslo. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- January 15-16, 2022: Zygote, workshops in Norrköping. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- January 21-22, 2022: Do Trees Dream of CO2, workshops in Stockholm (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- January, 21-24, 2022: Music an Speech Pathology, performance in Stockholm. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- February 4-6, 2022: Delta, workshops and public performances in Gothenburg. (Postponed new dates TBA.)
- June 2022: Do Trees Dream of CO2 at Kuntsis Art Museum, Wasa, Finland. (Postponed new dates TBA.)