Riding the Donkey Backwards is a group of people with different backgrounds who wants to grow together with you. Together RtDB compile stories that are funny or sad; private or universal. The group’s second meeting will be held in Antwerp on…
Vision Forum is proud to announce that for those who want to experience V8skan at the Nobel Museum in Stockholm it will be available every Tuesday this spring. More information about the project and practical details for the visit.
Riding the Donkey Backwards is a group of people with different backgrounds who wants to grow together with you. Together we compile stories that are funny or sad; private or universal. We are interested in you and the stories that…
Humor opens up opportunities for people to relate to traumatic experiences that they otherwise would not be able to relate to. Vision Forum develops new ways to work with refugees in Europe who are held back in their personal development…
Talks on Readability and Collecting with Valentina Desideri, Lieven Lahaye, Alina Lupu and Bruno Zhu Vision Forum is thrilled to announce the last Unfold event of the year before the project’s second installment by guest curators Anna-Sophie Springer and Etienne…
Vision Forum will present the work carried out with the EEGsynth at the Swedish Research Council’s annual symposium on artistic research 25-26 November at Lund University’s faculty of arts in Malmö. The theme of the conference is the Art University –…
Welcome to MKP‘s first seminar in Norrkoping November 24 to 25. The meeting focuses on contemporary art’s potential to make education for children and the young more dynamic and make learning more satisfying for teachers and students alike. Meet exciting…
Vision Forum welcomes you to the launch of the new publication, The Kindergarten by artist Mattias Åkeson at Uglycute in Stockholm, December 3 at 6pm. The book forms a part of a project that includes an exhibition and a film….
Assembly Line Project_2 Jiading Venue Opening: November 15, 2-4pm Exhibition Dates: Novembe16, December 15, 1-5pm (Closed Sun and Mon) To Arrange a visit to the exhibition site please call 132 6267 3118 Address: Bldg 4, No 1288 Boxue Lu,…