I Am a Stranger to Myself – Performance for Reading


Vision Forum is initiating a project called ‘I Am a Stranger to Myself.’ It is a nocturnal exhibition (only open at night) and a space for performances. Through this emergency room for literature we want to inspire inspire reading of litterature. Those who are familar with Vision Forum know that  over the years we have been working a lot with literature as the foundation for art-making: Stig Dagerman, Clarice Lispector, Samuel Beckett, Dylan Thomas and Elfriede Jelinek are some of the usual suspects.

The project is also an opportunity to really promote the artistic and the aesthetic in a society that is obsessed with ‘understanding’. The project is about reading, the pleasure of reading and how language is used as a tool to control. But more than anything, it is a celebration of free interpretation: the pleasure of misreading, misinterpreting of misunderstanding and all that can be gained from becoming intimate with the unknown.